Sunday, April 29, 2007

Things to know about chicken pox

All of us most have had chicken pox when we were children. Why is that? Well, the answer could not be easier: because it is a children' s disease. There are people that may not have suffered from chicken pox when they were kids, but their number is very low.

Chicken pox is very contagious, but it poses no serious threat if you have it when you are a child. However, things get more and more complicated if you get chicken pox as an adult. The risk of complications is much bigger, especially in pregnant women. Once you have had chicken pox, you can not suffer from this disease again.

The history of chicken pox begins somewhere in the year 1600, when an English doctor mistook this disease with small pox. Only 167 years later, light was shed in chicken pox cases. At that time, another English doctor demonstrated that small pox was different from chicken pox.

There was also some confusion about the name chicken pox. Some said that this disease was named this way because the blisters that you have on your skin when suffering from chicken pox actually look like the person was peaked by chickens. However, there is another theory on the name chicken pox that seems more plausible. Because the disease does not pose any grave danger on the patient, it can be described as a smaller version of another disease called the pox. So the smaller version is the "chicken " version, thus the name chicken pox.

You will also have some symptoms when suffering from chicken pox. However, many of the symptoms are very similar to those of the flu. Fever, headache or the loss of your appetite are some of the symptoms that you will suffer from when having chicken pox. Together with those, there are also the trade mark signs of chicken pox: itching, blisters filled with fluid and crusts. When suffering from chicken pox, the bad thing is that these blisters may appear all over your body and if not treated well, they may leave signs.

Although, chicken pox is a very easy and not complicated disease, there is always the risk of complications. They may appear if this condition is not treated accordingly. The best thing to do when you child has chicken pox is go to the doctor right away and find out what is to be done.

For more information about chicken pox or even about treatment for chicken pox please review this page

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