Friday, May 4, 2007

Daily Simple Tips To Improve Breast Health

Medical experts recommend the following measures to best protect your breasts while maximizing your overall health:

Sensuality and sexuality are not opposed to or the enemy of spirituality. Celebrate the sensuality of your body!

Expose your breasts to sun and moonlight. It feels good to experience the sun, sea, and air on the rest of your body at topless beaches or in the privacy of your back yard!

Eat a little of soy-based products, such as soy milk, tofu, and tempeh regularly can help blocking the tendency for breast tissues to bond with extra estrogens that can cause disorder in healthy the functioning of breast tissue.

Do not smoke cigarettes or other tobacco products - Like alcohol, smoking has been linked to breast cancer.

Eat a well-balanced diet - Include lots of fruits and vegetables, and keep your intake of fried foods, red meat, and junk food to a bare minimum. Prevent taking hydrogenated fats like margarine and vegetable shortening. (Be conscious of products that are in many store-bought crackers, cakes, and cookies - even health-store brands.) Cook with olive, peanut, sunflower, or sesame oils and butter or - better still - clarified butter (ghee) on bread.

Color TVs, microwave ovens, and computer screens release radiation that can cause damaged tissue. Use protected computer display terminals and try to keep a good distance like 3m away from your TV. Do not stand right next to your microwave. Try to avoid using microwave, and use healthier cooking methods like your over or stove as more nutrients will be kept.

Enjoy nurturing yourself. You need to massage your breasts and/or pamper yourself with a massage or your favorite spa treatment. It is a MUST survival skill.

Do not use underarm deodorant that contains aluminum salts or other compounds. Aluminum is a heavy metal that can enter the blood and lymph systems through the skin and severely challenge the immune system.

The above information is found in Ms Yvonne Lee, internationally acclaimed book "To All Women Who Want To Enhance Their Breasts Naturally, But Don't Know How To Start". It describes and details the most important breast enhancement techniques from every corner of the world. Author Yvonne Lee, provides an unbiased pro-and-con analysis of each technique, in addition to practical information such as how and where to get it, cost, and potential impact on insurance coverage. The ebook version of the book is now available at: is offering Free Sample, Limited Period Only. Latest Nanotechnology Breast Enhancement Serum That Show Immediate Results In 5 Minutes ... While stock last! Consists of Pueraria Mirifica. Hurry Click Here Now>

Smart Tips for Buying Life Insurance

Get quotes from several companies. Each insurance company uses its own underwriting guidelines. Life insurance agents are "captive," meaning they can only issue policies for the insurance company they work for. Brokers, on the other hand, are "non captive" independent contractors who can sell policies of multiple insurers.

Compare "apples to apples." Be sure any policies you compare offer similar levels of coverage. The more features, options, and added benefits a policy includes, the more it will typically cost.

Buy the policy that's right for you. The more a policy costs, the more an agent or broker typically earns as a commission. When shopping for life insurance, keep in mind that the policy that's best for your agent or broker might not be the best for your insurance needs.

Make sure your company and agent are licensed. If your company is unlicensed and goes bankrupt, your death benefit could go unpaid.

Research your company. An insurance company's financial strength and customer service record can be good indicators of the level of service you can expect.

Shop for a low-load policy. You may save money, particularly on cash value life insurance, if you buy a policy with low commissions and administrative fees, collectively known as "the load." Financial planners who are licensed insurance counselors often sell these policies.

Use your "free-look" period. Use this time to read your policy carefully to be sure the coverage is right for you.

Remember if one kind of life insurance does not seem to fit your needs, ask about other plans. Be sure to read your new policy carefully, and ask the agent or company for an explanation of anything you do not understand.

Please visit us at

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Five Things About The Vegetarian Diet That You Should Know

The explosion in obesity and disease of lifestyle in the world is costing the economies of various countries millions of dollars. Lifestyle diseases such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidaemias, high blood pressure, coronary artery diseases and cancers are very common in industrialised countries. Vegetarian diets could offer some positive leads towards the epidemic of lifestyle diseases.

1. Vegetarian Diet and Today's Lifestyle diseases

There is evidence that a vegetarian diet is beneficial for various lifestyle disease such as, diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary artery diseases, cancers, etc. The reason for this might be due to various factors such as low fat content of the vegatarian diet compared to the omnivores diet, there could also be lifestyle changes for the vegetarians such as non-smoking, non drinking behaviors, general heightened health consciousness of the vegetarians. The increased fibre content of the vegetarian diets also play a role especially in the prevalence of colon and breast cancers.

2. Vegetarian Diet and Diabetes

Vegetarian diets are usually rich in fibre and complex carbohydrates and are restricted in fat. Several studies have proven that this diet improves control of blood glucose, delay glucose absorption, lower insulin requirements, aid in weight control and lower blood pressure in diabetic patients.

3. Vegetarian Diet and Cardiovascular Disease

An association between a vegetarian diet and a decrease in the incidence of myocardial infarction, heart diseases, angina, has been established. This association is due to an increase in the consumption of fruit and vegetables, especially consumption of soybean, legumes, nuts. The whole reduction in these incidences are as a result of reduced fat content (hypolipidaemic effect), and also vegetarian diets reduce weight and blood pressure and cholesterol levels thus providing further cardiovascular prevention.

Vegetarian diets are also rich in anti-oxidants such as vitamin E, vitamin C, B-carotene and flavanoids as well as folic acid, which all have a protective effect to the cardiovascular system.

4. Vegetarian diet and Cancer

Vegetarian diets rich in fibre and other dietary components associated with high intake of whole grains, vegetables and fruit lead to a reduction in colorectal cancer. There is mounting evidence that this kind of diet is also beneficial in reduction of the incidence of breast and prostate cancers too.

Again the reduction in the prevalence of cancers in vegetarians is postulated as due to the presence of the same antioxidants mentioned above.

5. Other effects of Vegetarian diet

Vegetarian diets tend to be lower in Vitamin B12 and there has been several reports of VitB12 deficiencies amongst vegetarians. The major effect of vegetarian diets that are high in fibre and leguminous seeds is increased intestinal gas production, resulting in more flatulence

It is very unlikely that weight management and diseases prevention processes could be regulated or controlled instinctually as was the case in our previous times. At the moment, weight management have to be a cognitive skill and as people we need to find ways and methods of ensuring that we create an environment that supports healthy behaviors.

As a starting point in our quest to lead a long healthy life aspects of the vegetarian diet could be the first step in a thousand mile journey. We could also augment our lifestyles with a gradual increase in physical activity........throw away the TV remote control, use stairs instead of lifts, park far from the shopping mall entrance, gradually increase physical activity coupled with diet control to at least 30 minutes of vigorous exercise most days of the week, let us not use the drive thrus or better let us demand more healthy take-aways or stop take aways altogether.

Let us not supersize our meals, let us only buy foods with full information on the labels pertaining to energy and all the other 'nutritional'content.

Hlombe is a Wellness Practitioner who has practiced medicine over the last 15years. His areas of interest include weight management, fitness, healthy living in general without the use of drugs. To learn more please visit his site at

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Tips on lowering the level of cholesterol in blood

Cholesterol is a fat made by the liver and contained by certain foods. For example the foods that come from animals (eggs, meats, and diary products) contain more cholesterol than those that come from vegetables (hydrogenated vegetable fats, coconut oil and palm oil).

A high level of cholesterol is bad for our health as it can deposit inside the arteries, creating a plaque which is responsible for blocking the blood flow, and leading to heart attack. If the arteries from the brain get blocked than a stroke can occur.

Cholesterol is found in our organism under the form of lipoproteins. The LDL (low density lipoproteins) is not good for our health while the HDL (high density lipoproteins) is good for us. The LDL is bad for us as it brings the cholesterol to the body and the HDL is good for us as it takes away the cholesterol from the bloodstream. So, inside the body it should be a balance between the LDL and HDL in order for things to go right.

After a certain age it is highly recommended that you check the level of cholesterol periodically but the doctor is the most indicated person to advise you when to do that.

Besides the high level of cholesterol there are other factors that can harm the heart. They are: smoking, being a man over 45, the presence of high blood pressure, being overweight and diabetic, being an inactive person, if you already had a heart attack or stroke and having the HDL level less than 0.9 mmol/l.

At first the doctor will check the total level of cholesterol. If this is high due to an increase of the LDL cholesterol level then you are in danger of developing a heart condition. If the total level of cholesterol is high due to a decrease of the HDL then you do not have so many problems and you are not exposed to a high risk of heart diseases.

The doctor knows that the ideal level of total cholesterol is less than 5.2 mmol/l, but having it between 5.2 mmol/l to 6.2mmol/l is not a tragedy. Problems appear only if you have other risk factors associated or if you have the level of total cholesterol over 6.2 mmol/l. When testing the HDL and LDL level of cholesterol the doctor will probably be worried if the level of HDL is less than0.9 mmol/l and the LDL level is over 4.1 mmol/l.

In order to keep the level of cholesterol at a decent value you should consider adopting an active lifestyle to loose weight, giving up smoking, eating healthy food, or in the worse case, taking pills for lowering the level of cholesterol in blood.

The foods you are allowed to eat are: fish, poultry, egg whites, sherbet, ice milk, baked potatoes, steamed vegetables, clear soups, olive oil, pretzels, air-popped popcorn, fig bars, vanilla wafers, lady fingers and fruits.

Try to avoid as much as possible the following aliments: ice cream, whole milk, sausages, French fries, creamed soups, egg yolks, bacon, potato chips, doughnuts, coconut oil and palm oil, and fried vegetables.

If you want to find great information about many cholesterol levels subjects like cholesterol levels, low cholesterol recipe or many more please visit us at

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Things to know about chicken pox

All of us most have had chicken pox when we were children. Why is that? Well, the answer could not be easier: because it is a children' s disease. There are people that may not have suffered from chicken pox when they were kids, but their number is very low.

Chicken pox is very contagious, but it poses no serious threat if you have it when you are a child. However, things get more and more complicated if you get chicken pox as an adult. The risk of complications is much bigger, especially in pregnant women. Once you have had chicken pox, you can not suffer from this disease again.

The history of chicken pox begins somewhere in the year 1600, when an English doctor mistook this disease with small pox. Only 167 years later, light was shed in chicken pox cases. At that time, another English doctor demonstrated that small pox was different from chicken pox.

There was also some confusion about the name chicken pox. Some said that this disease was named this way because the blisters that you have on your skin when suffering from chicken pox actually look like the person was peaked by chickens. However, there is another theory on the name chicken pox that seems more plausible. Because the disease does not pose any grave danger on the patient, it can be described as a smaller version of another disease called the pox. So the smaller version is the "chicken " version, thus the name chicken pox.

You will also have some symptoms when suffering from chicken pox. However, many of the symptoms are very similar to those of the flu. Fever, headache or the loss of your appetite are some of the symptoms that you will suffer from when having chicken pox. Together with those, there are also the trade mark signs of chicken pox: itching, blisters filled with fluid and crusts. When suffering from chicken pox, the bad thing is that these blisters may appear all over your body and if not treated well, they may leave signs.

Although, chicken pox is a very easy and not complicated disease, there is always the risk of complications. They may appear if this condition is not treated accordingly. The best thing to do when you child has chicken pox is go to the doctor right away and find out what is to be done.

For more information about chicken pox or even about treatment for chicken pox please review this page

Forever young - "Food for Life"

"Some people seem to stay young forever. They never lose their hair, their skin stays youthful, and they remain slim and physically active. Others go bald before they reach twenty, develop an extra layer of fat by thirty, and have deep wrinkles by forty. The assaults of time are not entirely due to genetics. Food can be part of the problem. And more important, certain foods contain natural ingredients that can help protect against aging.

"Since the 1950s a substantial body of evidence has shown how foods, properly selected, have a great deal of power to help us stay young. This evidence is now collectively known as the free radical theory of aging.

"While it was a heretical porposition in the 1950s, it is now widely accepted by scientists and nutritionists, who see free radicals as contributors to skin aging, cataracts, arthritis, and, perhaps, to the most basic aspects of the aging process.

"Certain foods slow the effects of time, while others speed them up. In addition, foods can change the amounts of hormones in the body. In turn, these hormones play a critical role in many bodily functions."

The changes that most of us attribute to the aging process actually have very little to do with the passage of time. Compare the skin on your face with the skin on the inside of your upper arm. The skin of your upper arm is not exposed to sun, and it keeps its youthfulness much longer. These protected skin cells also maintain more of their ability to grow and multiply. Sun damaged skin is nearer the end of its lifespan. Although the surface skin cells are constantly being replaced, the underlying skin becomes wrinkled and leathery and loses its resilience.

"Like all the cells of your body, your cells need oxygen. It is the very basis of animal life, including ours. But oxygen is biology's double-edged sword. As sunlight slowly bakes your skin, oxygen molecules often become extremely unstable. They pick up too many molecules, or carry electrons in unstable orbits. These destablilized molecules are called free radicals. They are also produced, but to a lesser degree, in the course of normal workings of the cell."

"The damaging effects of free radicals are not a recent discovery. Physician and researcher Dr. Denham Harman is a professor at the University of Nebraska School of Medicine and is head of the American Aging Association. In the 1950s, he was studying free radicals, which at the time were mainly of interest to chemists dealing with vats of industrial products. Harman suggested that free radical damage might play a part in the aging of the human body.

"One monring in November 1954, Dr. Harman was sitting in his office reading and suddenly it struck him that free radicals were not just in vats of chemicals in our factories and warehouses. They actually might be forming minute by minute in the blood coursing through our veins, attacking the insides of our arteries, aging our skin, sparking the cellular havoc of cancer. Could free radicals be the key to the aging processes? Could they play a role in cancer or heart disease?"

"'I spoke to people on the Berkeley campus about this possibility,' Dr. Harman said. Most thought it was simply an idea. But other researchers took an interest in the theory. There is now a huge body of research showing that free radical damage occurs every minute of the day in the human body. Evidence began to build up, Harman said, and now, about forty years later, many scientists accept this, both for disease processes and for aging."

"Plants would rapidly be damaged by the sun if they did not have one vital chemical in their leaves: beta-carotene. As the sun bears down on plant leaves, free radicals form just as they do in your skin, but beta-carotene removes the free radicals before they can do their damage. Beta-carotene is a vital chemical all chlorophyll-containing plants use to neutralize free radicals as they are formed.

"In the 1950s, another researcher in Berkeley, California, developed a mutant single-celled plant that lacked beta-carotene. When exposed to light and air, it was wiped out in short order.

"The technical term for a protective chemical like beta-carotene is antioxidant, meaning that it neutralizes free radicals and blocks the tissue oxidation that they could cause. Antioxidants work by allowing themselves to be attacked and damaged by free radicals, sparing the cell itself.

"As our ancestors plucked plants from the ground and fruit from the trees, they took beta-carotene for themselves. It passed into their bloodstream and became part of their own defense against toxic molecules. Today, when you add a leaf of spinach to a salad, or bite into a carrot, this natural chemical enters the cells of your body. You cannot feel it, but it is busy knocking out the free radicals that would age your skin or damage your heart or other organs.

"There are dozens of other antioxidants in plants, each with a slightly different role in protecting the body. In fact, there are dozens of relatives of beta-carotene, called carotenoids, found naturally in plants, and there are other vitamins in vegetables that work as the body's antioxidant team. In addition, consuming a concentration of one antioxidant may reduce the absorption of others. Vegetables, along with fruits, grains, and beans, provide nature's balanced mix of antioxidants.